I seriously LOVE mirrors, and even more, the beautiful standing floor mirrors!!!
Can't say however, that I can afford one.
The one I drool over from Pottery Barn is over $600.
So after a good searching of my house, I found everything I needed to give making my own a try...
Some 1x6 boards from a pile in the garage, a few strips of trim molding, hinges meant for another long-forgotten project, 1x2's and a sad little on-the-door mirror purchased on clearance last fall.
I (cautiously) popped off the blue trim from the mirror, cut down the wood, sanded, puttied, re-sanded, stained, and assembled.
And in the end came out with a piece I'm absolutely tickled pink over!
(Pottery Barn eat your heart out)
Thanks for another fun week and for helping to lighten my to-do load!"

I wish you knew how helpful this post is. My hubby and I have been trying to figure out what to do with a left over mirror from the previous owner. This just went to the top of his honey do list. Thanks for linking up!
I love this idea....i love big mirrors. By looking at the pictures, I could figure most the steps out. Are the 1 by 2's hinged at the top hold on the mirror? that part confused me...thanks.
Ali you are brilliant! Yes, they are. I ran 3 small sections of 1x2's across the back to help brace the mirror. Then made a little "ladder" from 1x2's and attached it to the center support with hinges. I plan on attaching a small chain from the mirror to the stand, just to be sure it doesn't open to far-but I didn't have one on hand and buying one, well that would have been cheating! Good luck with your project, I LOVE mine!
Ok, so your woodworking skills are out of control! I love it! I wished we lived closer so I could pay you to hold a class!! Impressive!
Thanks again for linking up. This project is one of Anita's Faves for this week's party. Come by and check it out.
Rhinestone Beagle
That was your project!!!! I loved it! Great job! I'll feature it at somedaycrafts.blogspot.com
Great project Wendy! :) Many thanks for participating in OMTWI this month! :) Loved having you! :)
Congratulations! I'm so excited for you!
WAY COOL!!! What a brilliant idea... I want to make one!
Visiting from Someday Crafts. This is AMAZING!!! Will you please do a detailed tutorial? Pretty please?
This is fantastic! How clever and persevering you are!
No way! This is amazing! I do hope you provide a detailed tutorial.
You were featured over at Today's Top 20 -- Hooray!
Is there a tutorial coming soon? I want to make this!
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