I need to say THANK YOU!!! it couldn't happen without you.
So my question is, are you feeling...
I DO! Lucky to have you here.
To say thank you I want you to CELEBRATE too...
I will be giving away a Girl's Night Craft Pack to three fantastic followers!
{Who doesn't LOVE a Girl's night?}
Craft Pack #1 will contain:
5 Rabbit Block Head Kits
Craft Pack #2 will contain...
5 Flower Pot Kits:
Craft Pack #3 will contain...
5 Leprechaun Block Head Kits:
So gather together a few of your besties and have a fun night on me!
Here's how to enter:
This is a THANK YOU to my followers, so if you want to enter you have to be one!
Just leave a comment on this post letting me know if your a mature {I'm not liking the word "OLD"}
follower or a newbie! And then maybe a way to contact you if you're one of the lucky winners...
That's it! Easy-peasy.
This giveaway will be open until Monday, Feb 21, at 11:59pm CST.
Winners will be announced next Tuesday, Feb 22!
Thanks again to you all! You are absolutely some of my favorite people!
Happy Crafting-

Woo Hoo! A giveaway! I'm so glad that your sales are so great! You have such creativity and inspiration! And who can't love a blog that uses power tools! I'm not quite a "mature" follower, but I think I might have passed "newbie" stage. I've been following since November when someone turned me onto your lovely blockhead turkeys. You can email me a jennyruth414 at gmail.com
What a FUN giveaway! I'm a fairly new follower, but I'm glad I found your site!! Congratulations on the great sales! I hope it keeps getting better!
I've been following since November-ish. Loved those 2x4 Turkeys!
I have been a follower for while now.
I just LOVE your blog! I started following in October, I think! :-) Hook me UP! :-D
I have to say I am so so so glad that not only am I a follower, I have purchased a few things too and I LOVE them!! Thanks for being so amazing and being so creative :) I have been following since late last year!! you know my email address, but in case you need it again...
snellfamily4 {at} roadrunner {dot} com
I'm a newbie follower!! I found you from Night Owl Crafting. I LOVE all your holiday stuff. This is such a fun giveaway.
I have been following since around December. So not super new but not long. I love seeing all your fun projects and those kits are darling.
I am a new follower, but I've been reading your blog since you began, after doing a couple posts on Undermypolkadotumbrella. Thanks for inspiring me to be more creative, and for sharing your fun ideas!
You can reach me at meganroylance at gmail.com
I'm a mature {ahem-not sure that word actually applies to me} follower. I love your stuff, Wendy and it's no surprise to me the success you are having. Best wishes for as much more success as you could wish for.
I am a mature follower! I absolutely love your blog and Etsy shop! You make my house look so cute with your crafty projects!
i am a mature follower! i love your stuff! those crafts are amazing!! congrats on so many followers and sales!!
I am a mature follower too!! I check your blog everyday!! You have the cutest crafty projects around!!
I love this giveaway! I have been following for awhile so I am a "mature" follower!
summerscraps at gmail dot com
I have been following you for 3 or 4 weeks now. So I don't know what I qualify as...but I sure love reading your blog!!
Ashley M.
I'm a mature follower and I have been loving your word crafts since I first saw them on undermypolkadotumberella.blogspot.com. I have participated in the two holiday swaps and love your blog. I hope I win! My contact email is andrea.hodson7@gmail.com
WooHoo! I want to win this one :) SO FUN! I have been following for a couple months now and I stalk your etsy store... just haven't made a purchase yet but I have several 'hearted' items that I really want to get!
I am a mature follower! I can't help but want to make all your creations..Just not enough time and not enough talent on my part....Thanks!
I am a "mature" follower. I loved all the Christmas ornaments last year, and i made quite a few of them. What a great giveaway! Hope I win!
Love your giveaway! This would be so much fun, and yes, I am a mature follower!
I am a fairly new follower. I did sign up and do the re-vamp Valentines exchange. Let me tell you how fun that was not only to receive a gift in the mail but how much fun it was being able to sit down and think of a special idea. I know I had wrote to you about what a great idea that was. I love, love your stuff. I have actually never won at anything so this would be a first if I did. Thanks and you have great ideas and great links.
What a great giveaway! You & you're blog are truly special. I am a newbie follower!
-mia @.. miahenderson@comcast.net
300+ followers! That is awesome.
I am a "mature" follower...:)
Love the cute things you have for Spring!
For once I think it might be Ok to say I am "old" I have been watching your blog since the begining. I first saw your creative idea's over at Under my polka dot umbrella. I love your fun idea's and your 2X4 blocks are genious! It has helped me to look at things a bit differently now too. I also really appreciate how even though you have a shop your are great to share your idea's too! Thank you!
Congrat's on all the exciting things happening with your blog and etsy shop!
I saw your blog a while back at a linky party, I believe and am now a follower! I love your kits...so cute! I would be thrilled to win any of your adorable kits!
Sooo...I'm an old "newbie"! :)
Wow! That surely is INSANELY Generous of you! I am a MATURE Follower and absolutly love everything about Craft Goodies AND Well Good... I'm tellin ya! I can't say enough GREAT things about you and I loved being about to do a Review for you. I love all your work and would love to win, so that I could share with my friends and family :) Thanks SO much!
My friend, Amy introduced me to your site about a month or so ago. We just had our first Girl's Craft Night a couple weekends ago where we made your "CELEBRATE" and "SWEETHEART" crafts. So much fun! Love your blog, love all your crafts and would LOVE to win!!!
I am a new follower but have been stocking your blog for awhile now...I love your little crafts...they are adorable and I would LURVE to win a craft package!! Thanks!!\
I have been following for awhile. You have the cutest items in your shop!
I'm a middle aged follower, not old, but not new as I've been following you for a couple of months. Love your blog!
I'm a mature follower.
heidikittelson at gmail dot com
I think I am an older follower as opposed to newer. It is exciting to see your blog grow!
I am a brand new follower!
I'm a "mature" follower :) My girlfriends and I would LOVE this! We get together once a month for GNO and we're all crafters, so this would be awesome!
I've been a follower for a while, not sure exactally how long. You give tons of great ideas and I have so much fun checking out the blog. This would be awesome!
erika75douglas at yahoo. com
I'm a mature follower :D
OH i LOVE your projects! it would be so fun to have a crafting party featuring one of them!! I'm a "mature" follower!
i have been a follower for awhile now!!
I have been following you since the beginning, but I finally made it official tonight, and I'm so glad to say Mature Follower not an old one! ;) Thanks for being such a great inspiration to the world of creativity!
Do you think you could rub some of that creative genius bug on me? Tiff
I am a follower!
What an awesome giveaway :) Pick me!!! Pick me please!!!
I am not a mature or newbie follower - I am an in betweener :)
Thank you for hosting such an awesome giveaway!!
I am a new follower!!! I love your Block Heads!!! So Creative!!!
I'm a new official follower but have been following your blgo for a while. I love the 2x4 ideas! karensgee@hotmail.com
I'm a mature follower. I had a lot of fun participating in the Christmas exchange and the Valentine's Day exchange. I love your blog and all your cute projects!
What a wonderful give away!
I'm a fairly new follower...
Love all your 2x4 ideas!
fancy fancy! im a in the middle fallower but I love you the most ;)
simplelilcowgirl @ yahoo . com
I think I was your first follower! But apparantly not the fastest. Can I have an extra entry for that. I'm soooooo needing a girls night. Love the St. Patty's stuff. You're still inspiring me. Miss ya!
I love all the stuff! What a cute and fun giveaway! I've been following you on my google reader since I found you from undermypolkadotumbrella!
I've been a follower for about two months, and absolutely LOVE your ideas and fun crafts! What a talent! thanks for sharing it with all of us! You can get a hold of me at rylissite@yahoo.com
I love your posts. The ideas. The crafts. The interactive stuff (like the Valentine exchange). No wonder you have such a following! :) I've been following a couple months. Does that make me mature or a newbie? oneoriginalcin@yahoo.com
I love your blog, love your crafts! I haven been on and off the site for months and even participated in the Valentines re-vamp. Have no clue why I wasn't a follower until... now. So that means I am an oldie/newbie? Who knows. Hope I win and get to craft with my besties!
Started following your blog last year and love it!! Thanks for your hard work and entertainment.
bsyb100 at gmail dot com
I am a fairly new follower but LOVE LOVE LOVE your kits. Guess you might could tell since I've ordered every month since I discovered them!!!! Thanks soooo much for the opportunity to win & share with my friends :)
Tracy Perry
I too am a fairly new follower. :) Love your blog and your kits are adorable!
Oh how fun! I am a fairly mature follower..since before the holidays! Thanks for sharing the love with all of us..always love stopping by :)
I'm a new follower and LOVE your stuff. I just found you in January and just made my "SWEET" last night...late I know but I got sick. :-(
Hi I am a newbie from Ohio that just found your blog and loving it!!!
I am newbie :) your blog is so cute & so are the kits! thank you for the opportunity :)
I am a new follower, but am loving your blog! Evin5 at aol dot com
I am a new follower but would love to win and get some girls together for a craft night. Thanks! annaelaine@hotmail.com
i'm a newbie! love your stuff-super cute!
I've followed you on my reader for a while, but now I'm officially a "follower"...love your cute ideas and hope I win!
I'm a mature follower--and I love those kits. I want to put those flower pots on my mantle now! :)
Hi! I'm a new follower and love your craft kits. Already dreaming of a fun nigh with the girls crafting!
Hi I'm a new follower I read your tutorial on the "lucky board" from I {heart} nap time and I LOVED IT!! very creative I can't wait to try it out for myself! Thanks for the inspiration!
I don't have those blockheads and I know a few ladies besides me that would love them, so sign me up! Yeah!
I am a new follower, I hopped over here from I heart naptime! Your stuff is adorable! Glad I found you!
I am a new follower #350 and I thank you for this chance
nscrofan at rogers dot com
I have been a follower since last fall and love your goodies, they fit in so well with my decorating style! I've enjoyed putting together many of the kits and sharing them with my grateful friends, thanks! ♥Ü♥
merryagray at yahoo.com
I have been reading your blog for quite some time now but just officially started following it. I LOVE your ideas and always know where to come when i'm looking for some inspiration. Would love to have a girls night with friends. I especially love the flowers.
tiffern99 at gmail dot com
I am a newbie!
You can contact me at:
I am a "mature" follower! I have been for a while now:) Love your blog-
Hi! Found your guest post on I Heart Nap Time! :)
What a cute giveaway, hehe! :D
You have some cute creations over here, so i'm a new follower! :)
I a newbie but am so glad I found your blog (through the Cuttlebug Challenge). Soooo many cute things.
pruttybird at comcast dot net
I am a newbie follower and so glad to be one!
I'm a middle follower! I've been on your list for a while, but not as long as some people! :) However, I've been following your talent MY whole life! :) You are very talented and I love what you do! I am hoping my sisterly love will score me a craft packet!! :P haha jk! It will be fair I am sure :) LOVE YOU!!
I'm so HAPPY for you! Congratulations on your success! I'm a follower and I adore your creations! Thanks for a great GIVEAWAY!
Love, Brenda
Wahoo! Yipee! Congrats! And thanks for letting us in on the "party"!
I hope I win! :)
Hi! I just found your blog last night and think it is absolutely amazing! I live in an apartment, too, so many of your crafts will let me decorate my drab walls.
i am a brand new follower. i have just found many wonderful crafters and their blogs. i am an avid crafter and lover your wood crafts. i am turning my crafting friends on to your blog. i am sure win or lose we will be ordering your crafts. thanks donnamarieb2car@verizon.net
Congrats on all the success!! Your creations are amazing! I am a newbie and lovin' that I have found you. :)
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