I'm Wendy-the redhead in the picture. I was raised in Northern Utah but am currently calling the beautiful city of College Station, Texas home. Since being married I've had the opportunity to live in Washington, Oregon, Utah, and Idaho (twice)-all of them "home", all for different reasons.
But home is where the heart is as they say and my heart is anywhere, so long as I have my family. I am the busy mom to five beautiful and amazing girls, wife to one busy and equally amazing husband, housekeeper, chauffeur, grounds crew, preschool teacher, little sister, big sister, and occasionally a crafter!
Thanks to my wonderful parents, my crafting days started early. I've always loved drawing and painting. And my mom was great to make sure that my sisters and I were always involved in a class of some sort, sewing, baking, ceramics, you name it I think we tried it! And you can't forget my dad--being as he had 5 daughters, we were taught to mow the lawn and use power tools right along with baking cookies.
Crafting has always been a way for me to stay close to the people I love. It's always been something that we just do--our family holidays could be made into an episode of "Crafters Gone Wild"! "I love being home with my family, laughing over a hot glue gun and a table full of buttons and ribbon, there is nothing better!
This blog is my way to keep crafting with my family and friends that I now live so far away from. It helps me to feel close even though the miles are far. We can still share ideas, try new things together, laugh over a glue gun and ribbon, and I get to make new friends along the way. It makes me smile to know that you would drop in to join me {cause this girl can never have to many friends or family}!
Happy Crafting.