I love the simplicity and look of these and have wanted to make some forever.
These were supposed to be done for Christmas, but they became New Year dresses instead, whoops!
I used the term "pillowcases" lightly because I used the pattern behind a pillowcase dress but used bandannas to make them instead of pillowcases.
I found such a fun selection of them for a dollar piece!{HobbyLobby and Wal-mart}
Making each dress only $2!
I had all the ribbon so I didn't factor that it to the cost.
Look past the road rash on her chin-bad collision with a chair! |
So cute, seriously SO easy. 5 seams total. That's it. I totally winged the first one, and then got nervous if I'd done the ties right. I found these 2 tutorials that helped.
To bad they don't make bandannas in mommy sizes!
On to the second part of this post, a purpose!
I was having a bit of a panicked moment the other day about this blog. I'd lost a follower, yes 1 person out there made a choice that set my mind plummeting into "I can't do this, I've let someone down" land. Just part of who I am, little things stick with me forever.
{So trust me when I say your sweet comments mean the world to me!}
Long story short, I happened across a fantastic post by Ashley over at Little Miss Momma
that brought it all back to me, this is what she wrote:
"WHY: Why did you start this blog? Was it to make money, to make friends, to share ideas, to promote your business, to vent, or to tell your stories. Now, write down your reason {and be specific}--because there will come a day a few months down the road when you will forget why you ever started this whole blogging thingy--you will lose sight of your original vision, your original plan, your reason for doing this in the first place--and on that day you will go back and read what you wrote down today, and you will remember why this is important to you. Let your "reason" be the guiding force behind your blog content--don't lose sight of what's important to you, or your readers will know, and they will stop reading."
It was exactly what I needed. So I am sharing with you the why's behind Craft Goodies, so when something silly or awful happens again, I'll know where to go to get over it...
I had two reasons in starting this blog, one WAY more important to me than the other.
I had planned on opening an etsy shop but wanted a way to show some of the possibilities of what you could do with what I was selling so a "craft blog" made sense. A fun way to help promote my little store and to give me a place to share all things crafty.
But the second reason, for me, was the more important. We had recently moved from a wonderful, small town in Washington state to a wonderful, not so small town in southern Texas. And as fantastic as College Station and the people here were and are, it wasn't home, and they weren't the friends I had left. I felt so lonely. So alone.
I needed friends, I needed people that counted on me to do something, and I needed people to appreciate me and what I could do.
So out of all that, this little blog was born. It gives me something to do, and gives me a way to feel important. I was thrilled when I hit 10 followers! Ten ladies thought I was worth their time, and they would leave me comments, so I had someone to talk to! It was working, I was making friends.
My heart swells every time I see that my follower counter has grown, not because I want a million followers, but because it means someone out there thought enough of me to place me in their day.
So there it is, my purpose in blogging is a need of friendship and a fun way to share each other and the things we create with a bit of business on the side.
I do truly appreciate all of you that stop by to see what's going on, and I LOVE it when you leave comments or send me an email. It makes my day to hear from you!
On that note, I have plans in the works to start featuring more of you and your ideas-I have learned there is no way I can do this alone!
I'll end this monster post by saying Thank You for sticking with me this far. I'm excited for the year to come!
Happy Crafting...

I have a bandana dress like that in a closet that I made for my daughter. I wish she would wear all the dresses I made for her, but she got sick of wearing one every day and now won't wear them at all. I'm glad you have a purpose for blogging. It IS frustrating at times and slow growing! You are doing great. i love coming to your blog a couple of times a week!
Thanks for posting the dresses and the links. This will be the perfect birthday present for my niece. And since she is in NZ she can enjoy it now in the warm weather.
I thank you for sharing your thoughts and talents with us. I enjoy coming to take a look. I too enjoy making new friends. Don't let the lost follower get you down, it's their loss.
Wendy, your stuff is darling and I so enjoy your creativity and ideas! I totally hear you and get the whole follower thing- know you're not alone in the roller-coaster that is craft blogging! I'm looking forward to all your new ideas in the coming year!
I'm still here. I love your stuff, and my little ones are both loveing the itty bitty bakers set we won from your wonderful collection :) I will be getting a post up about you. Now that I'm doing the A Blogtastic Extravaganza this month, I've been trying to get sponsorship and have school starting on the 18th also. I'm here! I'm still reading! I'm still enjoying your blog- and won't be going anytime soon :) Pinky-swear.
I know how you feel about CS not being "home." I'm from Louisiana and still feel that Texas isn't "home" and I've been here since 2002. I miss home, but know my life is building here. Maybe one day I can wake-up and feel that everything is bigger and better in TX, but for now. Louisiana has my hometown-heart!
I also want those cute dresses in my size. I am always on the look out too. I think we all need a reason to feel like home or that we have someone out their that cares for us. Thanks for a great blog and I enjoy seeing all your fun posts.
Thank you!!!thank you for your sweet words and for letting me know you're there! You make me excited to keep doing this and to try harder to make it better.
BIG, HUGE hugs to you all!!!
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