Breezed right through another fabulous week!
Hope your July is off to a great start, just want to give a big cyber hug to all of you that take the time to link up here with me each week, you make me smile!
Here's a few shout outs from last week's party...
Make Your Own Kettle Corn from Create-A-Torium Crafts.
Made it. LOVED IT. Can't wait to do it again!!!
Once more, made these, LOVED THESE, will recommend these again and again!!!
Water Gun Targets! Seriously, how brilliant is this?
You can get the how-to's and download the images at
And last, saw this, LOVED THIS, making it with the sisters! (Hint, hint!)
You'll find the full tutorial at

Gah, I posted the wrong picture in my link up. Sorry! (They look similar).
Thanks for hosting. :)
Tracy Screaming Sardine
Thanks for hosting! :0)
Jana @ Project Possible
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