A base board for your project. I used a couple of scrap pieces{1/4 in. MDF and bead board}. But I think this would look great using a picture frame.
Glue gun and glue
Wood glue
Green Spray Pain-I used Krylon in Hunter Green
Wood Stain- I used Minwax Dark Walnut
Green Gardening Jute-I bought this at Wal-mart in the hardware section
stiff paper, scissors, and some ribbon for a bow
Start by giving your base board a good coat of paint.While that dries, sand down the bead board to your liking, then give it a quick rub down with the stain.
Sand the edges on the base board and give them a quick brush with the stain too.
Once they are both dry, use the wood glue to stick them together.
Cut a heart shape from a piece of paper. {I actually cut 3}
Play with the size to be sure it fits into the overall size of your project.
Once you find the right size, trace it 3 times onto your stiff paper, these will make the leaves for your clover.
Cut out the hearts.
With your glue gun and jute, start filling in the heart.
Run a length of glue along the edge and then cover it with the jute. Continue gluing and adding the jute moving in toward the center, until the heart is completely filled being sure to keep the rows close together.
Repeat this for the other 2 hearts.
Glue the hearts onto your board forming a clover. Add a stem directly onto the board.
***So as much as I liked this, I wasn't 100% happy with how it looked on my mantle. I decided I needed smaller pieces so I omitted the wording and just did the clover and LOVE it! Just another option***
Happy Crafting!

I am so in love with this! I really need to learn how to use a saw! I have the green jute and everything else, I just need my boards cute!
Adorable, as usual. I'm linking to this at somedaycrafts.blogspot.com.
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