Craft Goodies Christmas Ornament Exchange
sign ups are now OPEN...
Sign ups are open from today 11/12 through Saturday 11/23.
To officially "sign-up" send me an email with your mailing address and full name as well as the number of ornaments {1-10} that you want to exchange.
You will receive* the same number of ornaments back that you send out. Please also include a card or note with your ornament to introduce yourself and pass along a little holiday cheer.
{It's kind of fun to include a small treat with your ornament but not necessary.}
*I cannot police this, I go purely on blind faith that you will get your ornaments to the people waiting for them. I can however send a lot of annoying reminder emails...
You will receive an email by 11/25 with the names and addresses of those that you send your ornaments to--one ornament per name.
The names will all be different so making the same ornament is totally okay!
The names will all be different so making the same ornament is totally okay!
How you ship the ornaments is up to you, but please pack them as best you can so that they don't break! If you need packing ideas, give me a holler, but please don't miss the deadline so that they arrive in time to hang them on the tree.
And last, I'd LOVE it if you'd email me a picture of your ornaments before you send them out. Last year I received so many notes back saying how cute the ornaments were and I had no idea what they looked like! So I'm just putting it out there...I WANT TO SEE ALL THE ORNAMENTS! And, I'm pretty sure everyone else does too...that way I can also share an exchange post high lighting all your awesome-ness.
**If you participated last year and still have pictures, I'd love you forever if you resent them. My computer crashed last December and ate almost all the pictures I had saved for future posts!
***check my archives from Nov 2010 or Nov 2011 for ideas from the past
Ornament-A-Day series***
That's it! Super simple and tons of fun! I'd love to have you join me. You can email me at { } to get on the list.
Happy Crafting.