Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blinged Up Easter Banner...

Was it two weeks I posted my first ever fabric banner?

Up close and personal...

All five little pennants in a row...

If you remember that post, you'll remember that I said I'm not a huge fan of banners and bunting, well, I'm still not. But in fairness to my banner I do like it, and my girls LOVE it.
But it was sad and a little blah...okay, a lot BLAH!
So I gave it a "Bling-Lift".

I added some raffia bows in between the flags but it needed color. So I tied on another ribbon bow and while it was better, I wasn't completely happy with it.

Then I remembered these little gems...

Cheap pastel plastic eggs, made pretty by adding a layer of Mod Podge and then rolling it in some iridescent glitter.
(I drilled a hole in the end and tied a ribbon hanger when I thought it would be fun to hang these outside. Then I remembered the sprinklers and decided that probably wasn't such a great idea...)

I pulled out the ribbon hangers and replaced them with the ends of my long bows on the banner...

So much better!
 Now it has a bit more pizazz and I found a use for those sparkly eggs, (Bonus!)
Here she is all dressed up and happy...

Now, I can tell you I won't be running out to quickly replace this with a Mother's Day one, but it was fun.
And now that she sparkles, I am glad I jumped on board the banner wagon, even if it was for just a short stay!

Happy Crafting!



Unknown said...


I also wanted to let you know I just mailed out my Rabbit Romp Easter package to my partner. (Summer) :)

Screaming Sardine said...

This is soooo pretty, Wendy. Makes me want to make one right now!

Tracy All Thumbs Crafts

Stef said...

So adorable & I love how you blinged it up!

Maria Matter said...

this is so adorable, love it 'blinged-up'!!!

Cat said...

This banner is too cute! Love it!!

New follower here.

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