Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Grapevine Easter Basket Tutorial...

Hey guess what, it's Thursday!
I  got a bit consumed by an order yesterday and pretty much missed the entire day...whoops!
I'll  make an attempt to make up for it with 3 posts today!
What? THREE?
 Oh, yes you read that right. Pretty sure that's a personal best for me, so let's get on with it.
Here we go with post numero uno...

Kinda cute huh? I'm so loving it, and it was super easy to make.
Cute not just for Easter but for the entire spring season, and ya, I'm thinking it'll make a come back in the fall.

Let's get you one made.
 Here's what you'll need:

Little note here, the basket pictured above used 2 six foot grapevine garlands and craft/floral wire,
flower stems and sheer ribbon.
That's it. 

When I went to get 2 more garlands to make this tutorial, they didn't have any!
 Ugh, what to do?
I ended  up buying four grapevine wreathes instead.
 Three the same size and the fourth the next size bigger.
I used the remaining piece of garland I had for the handle, if needed, get another of the larger wreathes to cut for a handle.

Make the base by wiring the smaller wreathes together.

Start with two, tie off in at least three places being sure the wire twists are inside and the ends are tucked into the wreath.
I went up and through the wreathes so that the wire didn't show on the outside of the basket.

**If you're using the garlands, shape the vine into a circle the size you want and wire together.
Make another circle layer and wire that one to the first.
Keep going in that manner (form a circle, wire it into place) until your base is as tall as you'd like.

Once all three wreathes are wired together, add the larger wreath to the top and wire into place.
(Somehow I managed to not take a picture of  that part, sorry)
**If you're using the garland, cut any remaining vine from the basket base. Wire together a seperate circle just larger than the base, add on more layer, wire it together then cut any remaining vine off.
Wire the larger circle to the top of the smaller circle base.
From there you're going to make the handle.

Cut the last wreath so that you remove about 1/3 of it.
(You need some twigs to sit down in the basket, if you cut it in half your handle will be very short.)
Sit the cut wreath into the basket vertically and wire the handle into place.
**For the garland, cut a piece of vine the length you wish and wire each end into place. I doubled mine just so it was a bit thicker.
And you're done. 
Your basket is ready to be filled.

You can place a vase down inside the basket and add some fresh flowers or go with the Easter thing and add some painted plastic (or real) eggs...

Can't you just see it full of fall leaves and acorns too?
So  quick and easy, make a bunch!

Happy Crafting... 

This week's theme is Easter, come and play along with your Easter themed projects!


Jenn said...

What a great idea!! It looks fabulous! :)

Luncheons at the Junction said...

Super cute! I saw one similar to this in HomeGoods for $14.99, and it didn't have the charm of this one. I can so see this being used throughout the year - just change out the flowers and fillers and you're done. Thanks for sharing - I may have to make this!

SJ @ Homemaker On A Dime said...

Very easter-y! I love the ensemble. Thank you so much for sharing this with us at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop :) Please join us again this Sunday starting 5 pm, PST.

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