Thursday, February 10, 2011

T.G.I.F.-thank GOODIES it's Friday! #5 and a Love Note...

This little bit of cuteness can be found at:
Flamingo Toes
Dear Craft Goodies Friends-
I just returned from a fantastic evening of food and friends, which translates to lots of fun and lots of laughing!{My tummy hurts for both reasons}
The theme of our evening was "LOVE", love your self for who you are {including the things you don't like}! Love your friends for loving you, and love your life for the many blessings that are held within it. It was an awesome evening...
So, before we start this little Friday party, I just want you all to know how much I love that you're here! I love that you enjoy the things that I enjoy and we can share them together. I love chatting back and forth with you and getting to know you better. I LOVE that I can say because of this blog I have and am making wonderful friends. You ladies ROCK my little corner of the world...and I LOVE YOU FOR IT!!!
On that note, let's share some goodies, share some comments, just share the LOVE!
A quick reminder of how to play...

Enter your project (up to 4 links)...

 tips, ideas, recipes, projects, contests, giveaways, whatever, just share yourself with us!
 Visit others. Leave comments.
{Unless you offer a tutorial with the product} 
Grab a button from below and help spread the "GOOD" word!
Come back again over the weekend and check out the goods.
Visit a few, comment a lot! We all need a little love.
 Link will be open until 11:59pm Monday night. 
**By linking you give me full permission to feature your links, tutorial, photos and blog giving credit back to you of course!
Craft Goodies

Thanks for linking and making this party happen! We're shooting for 25+ links this weekend...there could be a prize if we do...wink, wink, nudge,nudge!!!

And be sure to check back next week, got some fun stuff going on.
Have a WONDERFUL weekend and Happy Crafting!


Beverly {Flamingo Toes} said...

Thanks so much for the link! :)

Brooke Anna @ Mommy Does... said...

I was unable to get the button to work? Not sur what is going on?

Amy said...

Hi...Thanks for hosting the link party! I couldn't get your button to work. I'll keep trying!!!

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I LOVE hearing from you and do my best to respond to your comments and questions. Keep them coming cause they keep me going!