Monday, February 14, 2011

Love Note Pancakes &

Monday Munchies...
The hubster is out of town for Valentine's Days...{insert sad face here}
so it's up to the girls and I to celebrate.
While they would be content with a box of chocolates for dinner, my mommy guilt might kick in on that one! I think I've mentioned before that we are totally breakfast-for-dinner eaters, so our not so romantic Valentine dinner is gonna be these...
Aren't these just FUN!! You can get all the how-to's over at
Random Thoughts of a Supermom!
And for dessert....
that afore mentioned box of chocolates and homemade marshmallows!
This recipe was published at Christmas and used candy canes to give the mallows a super yummy, minty flavor! SO GOOD!!! We loved them. Thought they'd be fun in a sweeter flavor for V-day.
I tested out strawberry and cherry-strawberry was the winner at our house. I just swapped out the crushed candy canes for crushed hard candies.
You'll find this delicious little treat at
Little Birdie Secrets.
To those of you that were super awesome and linked up to Friday's T.G.I.F. Party-
We did it! 25+ links, I'm a happy girl.
{The button not working was my fault-didn't copy all of the code! OOPS!}
Stay tuned till tomorrow to find out your prize...

1 comment:

Kallee Anne said...

I lOVE homemade marshmellows. You have such a great blog. i love to read it. Stop by my blog, I have an award waiting for you.

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