Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 24-Punched Tin Ornament

**Be sure to check in tomorrow for some great Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals in my store and to see my new
 Children's Toy Line...Bitty Bakers!**

My kidlets are home today- {yeah vacation!} and we needed something to do.
This is what jumped into my head...
Did you ever make these as a kid? I can remember doing something similar to this in elementary school, loved it then, and my girls loved it today!

Here's what we did:

Gather a small stash of canning jar lids and rings
some paper and pencils
a small nail and a hammer

First trace the lid onto the paper and cut it out. Then draw a picture inside the circle. Simple is better!
 Map out the places where you want the holes to go.

Tape the picture onto the lid.
 Then using your nail and hammer {on a scrap piece of wood!} Gently punch through the lid to create your image onto the lid.
Check the backside to make sure you hit all the holes and then remove the taped on image.

You should now have a lovely punched impression on your lid.
Glue the lid back into the ring and then add some ribbon or other embellishments to dress it up and you're done.

My {older} girls each made one-they love them and can't wait to put them on their trees. I'm just thinking I'm happy they were entertained for a while, and how cute would these look if you used soup cans and made little lanterns to hang on the tree or used them as little goodie canisters? "Food" for thought...

Happy Crafting!

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