Thursday, March 24, 2011

OMTWI Week 3 Project...Standing Floor Mirror!

Week 3 voting has come and gone!
I'll know tomorrow if I've made it through to the finals. This has been so much fun and motivated me to get a ton of things done. My oldest daughter is loving it-the clock and mirror are for her room. Here's my week 3 entry post...
(be sure to read through it to the bottom of this post, I've listed the links to two other fun contests going on)
"The hard part of this week's challenge wasn't so much what to do as it was what to finish!
 (I think I have enough stuff in my stash to supply a years worth of this theme.)
It did give great motivation to finish up a project I've had on the books since September...

I seriously LOVE mirrors, and even more, the beautiful standing floor mirrors!!!
 Can't say however, that I can afford one.
The one I drool over from Pottery Barn  is over $600.
So after a good searching of my house, I found everything I needed to give making my own a try...

Some 1x6 boards from a pile in the garage, a few strips of trim molding, hinges meant for another long-forgotten project, 1x2's and a sad little on-the-door mirror purchased on clearance last fall.
I (cautiously) popped off the blue trim from the mirror, cut down the wood, sanded, puttied, re-sanded, stained, and assembled.
And in the end came out with a piece I'm absolutely tickled pink over!

(Pottery Barn eat your heart out)
Thanks for another fun week and for helping to lighten my to-do load!"
 Happy Crafting!


Rhinestone Beagle said...

I wish you knew how helpful this post is. My hubby and I have been trying to figure out what to do with a left over mirror from the previous owner. This just went to the top of his honey do list. Thanks for linking up!

Ali said...

I love this idea....i love big mirrors. By looking at the pictures, I could figure most the steps out. Are the 1 by 2's hinged at the top hold on the mirror? that part confused me...thanks.

Unknown said...

Ali you are brilliant! Yes, they are. I ran 3 small sections of 1x2's across the back to help brace the mirror. Then made a little "ladder" from 1x2's and attached it to the center support with hinges. I plan on attaching a small chain from the mirror to the stand, just to be sure it doesn't open to far-but I didn't have one on hand and buying one, well that would have been cheating! Good luck with your project, I LOVE mine!

Britany said...

Ok, so your woodworking skills are out of control! I love it! I wished we lived closer so I could pay you to hold a class!! Impressive!

Rhinestone Beagle said...

Thanks again for linking up. This project is one of Anita's Faves for this week's party. Come by and check it out.

Rhinestone Beagle

Unknown said...

That was your project!!!! I loved it! Great job! I'll feature it at

Angie Holden said...

Great project Wendy! :) Many thanks for participating in OMTWI this month! :) Loved having you! :)

Brenda said...

Congratulations! I'm so excited for you!

Maryann @ Domestically-Speaking said...

WAY COOL!!! What a brilliant idea... I want to make one!

stephaniegiese said...

Visiting from Someday Crafts. This is AMAZING!!! Will you please do a detailed tutorial? Pretty please?

Pamma said...

This is fantastic! How clever and persevering you are!

Mel said...

No way! This is amazing! I do hope you provide a detailed tutorial.

Amanda said...

You were featured over at Today's Top 20 -- Hooray!


April said...

Is there a tutorial coming soon? I want to make this!

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