Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday Treats featuring...Grand Central Station Planning Binder!

Tuesday Treats...
I felt like "normal" had returned to my life last week, unless you count the weird weather, but then if something crazy didn't happen, it wouldn't be a normal week.
 My point?
I like normal, and I'm really beginning to like being scheduled.
{Do you remember that was part of my 2011 challenge to myself-to prioritize!}
 Well, this little ramble-fest is bringing me to a fantastic link that was shared on Friday...
This one just might have been personally meant for me, if so THANK YOU! But if you're needing a little bump up in the organized area-check this post out!
My Swanky Crafts put together this binder that contains a bill paying section, calendars for birthday/appointments, menus, grocery lists, sections for grocery ads & coupons...
pockets for saving receipts, paper for jotting down important info, a weekly cleaning check list...
And so much more.
And no, it's not 500lbs either! I've read through this post at least 1/2 a dozen times now and have got to try it!
She even provides links to print off some of the  lists/planning pages.
My life feels more organized just reading it- thanks!
And another HUGE THANK YOU to all of you that shared your goodies on Friday.
 We grew again! I love checking out your projects and blogs, you amaze me with your talents.
Thanks for sharing and...
Happy Crafting!

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