Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bedroom Make-over...{What Wendy did Wednesdays}

To be perfectly honest, I haven't done much today, or this week!
 I've been crazy busy with my kids.
I did finish a fun little something this morning but I can't show you.
{It's for a guest post tomorrow}
I'm deliriously excited! And can't wait to share where you can find my little project, it's one of my absolute faves!!!
But I needed something to talk about today and then I remembered my on going project...decorating my #3 and #4 daughter's bedroom and that yes! I have done something.
 I built this...
I did in fact build 2-the other one just didn't get it's doors yet!
My husband claimed the closet in this room for his "office" {it shouldn't be called a closet-it's HUGE}
so my girls needed a place for their clothes. So I built one.
And dang if I am not proud of these buggers!!!
I drew up all the plans and measurements on my own. Measured, cut, glued, screwed, nailed, sanded, painted, and even moved them upstairs ALL BY MYSELF!
{I just need to find the perfect little baskets for the cubbies}
My you-can-do-it inspiration?
A while back I found what used to be called Knock-Off Wood. {It is now Ana White}This woman is my HERO! She is a carpenter, an amazingly talented carpenter. And if you have never been to her site, you must go. She shares plans and guides to build furniture like this...
Thumbnail image for Lydia Toddler Bed
 Everything from what you need to buy to what lengths to have them the pieces cut to. She makes building a table or bed like assembling a giant puzzle. It's fantastic. And free...
I've built a few of her projects now, and they gave me the confidence to tackle designing my own.
Go check her site out and then build something amazing!
You're husband/father will be totally jealous. And seriously impressed...
Happy Crafting!

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