Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 7- Marshmellow Snowman

Sunday's ornaments are going to be directed a bit more towards the  little people in our lives. I think we all find ourselves looking for ways to spend time together and for fun things to do. Hopfully, these Sunday postings might give you some ideas for an FHE activity, a snowy night in, or over the up coming holiday breaks.

I've made these in the past with my preschoolers so this is definitely something do-able by a 3 to 4 yr old. You're going to need clear round ornaments {glass or plastic} with a removable hanger top, marshmellows, construction paper, and regular white glue.

Remove the hanger and set it aside. Start stuffing your ornament {and your mouth!} with marshmellow "snowballs". This is a great time to practice counting and  work fine motor skills, or just to talk and share fun stories and memories. There is no right or wrong number of marshmellows, stuff 'till your happy! {You could add a little glitter to your marshmellows for some wintern sparkle!} Replace the top and set the ornament aside.
With the construction paper design your face. You can cut shapes with scissors, use a hole punch, or just tear the paper into the shapes you want.

 Once you have all the pieces you want, glue them onto the ornament. Set it aside to dry.

When you're ready to pack him away just remove the top, shake out the marshmellows, & replace the top again. You can repeat the activity the next year-with new stories and memories.

Happy Crafting!

***This year my family is going to make these for an FHE activity but we're not going to put the marshmellows inside. To encourage service and good behavior during the holidays, we are going to read the story of The Warm Fuzzies and talk about President Monson's desire for us to befriend and serve all of those around us. To do as President Hinckley said, " try a little harder to be a little better." I'm going to have a jar full of small white pom poms ready and when we get caught in a warm fuzzy moment, we'll get to place a fuzzy into our snowman. That way when we see our {hopfully} full snowmen hanging on the tree, we'll reflect on the good things we've done and the good feelings it created!


Sharesa Larsen said...

This is super cute and I love your idea for the warm fuzzies! I might just steal it!

Jen said...

We have been lacking in the FHE department, and just last week my husband and I decided to start making it a priority again! Thanks for your creative ideas, my boys will LOVE this!!

Amy said...

These Snowmen are so CUTE! We just made one and I linked my blog to yours!!! Thank you for such a fun idea! Amy

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