Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 30- Shores of Galilee Ornament

Can you believe this is the last day of this series? 30 days has gone by so quickly! I have had so much fun doing this and have so enjoyed that so many of you have followed along with me.
 What in the world are we going to do next month?
 {Kidding, I'm good for a few days at least...}
I started this with a simple list of 15 ornaments and hoped that as I went along inspiration would strike and I'd some how come up with 15 more. Now, I have more ideas than days but I always new I would have this ornament on the last day. Not because it is amazingly dazzling, or hip and trendy but because it ends this series where it should, focused on Christ.

My sister introduced this to me a few years ago, and I made them for the sweet gals I visit teach last year. They are super fast, super easy, and you can make a lot of them with the supplies you get. {can you say neighbor gifts???}
Place about 1/4 cup of clean sand into a clear glass/plastic ornament
Add a small handful of tiny seashells
Glue the lid on so your sand doesn't spill out
Tie on a tag with the following poem:
Remember, remember
try always to be
as the man who walked
the shores of Galilee
Easy and beautiful! Happy Holidays to you all and
Happy Crafting!


Jen P said...

Beautiful perfect way to end the set! Thanks!

Valerie said...

Thanks Wendy. I saw these ornaments years ago, but had forgotten about them. Glad to add them to my idea book.

Tales of Tiff said...

I am so glad you put this one on your featured ornaments. I was thinking about this other night-you must have received my mental message-cause here it is! LOL. I love how you added the tag it truly displays the reason we celebrate Christmas.


Stef said...

I love this!!

Andrea said...

Great idea, Wendy! Thanks for sharing. I am just curious where you find teeny tiny shells. I am curious.

Unknown said...


I bought the shells in a big bag at Hobby Lobby ($2.50 ish) in the candle making section of the store. I have purchased them at Michael's and Jo-Ann's before too, same aisle. I have even seen them at big box stores like Fred Meyer/Target in the floral sections.

Hope that helps!

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