Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 21-Christmas Cookies

I'm going a bit different today. Hope you don't mind, oh, I still made an ornament for you it just came about in a different way. I've been trying to keep the weekends a bit more "kid friendly" and in trying to decide what to do today, I decided to make cookies. This is one of my favorite traditions going back to my childhood with my grandma. My girls and I do this every year on Christmas Eve, and I hope it's something they continue to do with their families in the years to come. So, here is a peek at the ornaments I made to go along with  this FANTASTIC cookie recipe...

Two chunky little cookies for your tree and some delicious cookies for your belly! This recipe comes from my sweet friend Hollie-best sugar cookies I have EVER tasted.
{Trust me, I like me a good sugar cookie!}
cream together:
1 1/2 cups butter softened but not melted
2 cups sugar
Add and mix well:
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp almond extract
(substitute- can use only 2 tsp vanilla extract and no almond)
food coloring if you chose for the dough
Blend with:
5 1/4 cups flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt

Chill dough in fridge for about 30-60 minutes.
Roll out manageable amounts on floured surface to desired thickness (I usually aim for about 1/4 inch or a bit less). Cut with cookie cutters.
Bake 375 degrees for 8-10 minutes. Cool on pan for a few minutes and then remove to cooling racks. Frost and enjoy!

Frosting: (the Hollie method)
1/2 bowl of powdered sugar (less for fewer cookies/frosting, more for more)
1/8 to 1/4 cup butter
splash or 2 of milk
blend and add milk in small amounts until you reach *almost* desired consistency
*add splash of vanilla or other flavor
*add color here, or separate into bowls for different colors

*vanilla and color can thin frosting further. milk can be added when necessary

Thanks Hollie and Happy Crafting!


Kat said...

Those are adorable! I love gingerbread men! And I can't wait to try out the recipe. I haven't found a sugar cookie I like enough to use twice yet...

Unknown said...

I'm crossing my taste buds for you that this one is a keeper!


Hollie said...

Wendy... you are too kind! I have already made the sugar cookie recipe at Halloween, but decided to take a break until Christmas. I eat WAY too many when they're in the house and hubby and kids steal them even when they're packaged to share!! Love LOVE LOVE all your great ornament ideas. I'm trying to figure out some kid friendly ornament to do with the preschoolers, so I will be visiting/ stalking you!! :)

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