Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Exchange Show Offs!!!

This is SOOOO long overdue but very needed so your getting a little Christmas in February.
This past December I hosted another online ornament exchange and to say the least, it was FANTASTIC!
The ladies that participated did an incredible job, I LOVE every single ornament I received, I wanted several ornaments I didn't receive! They all need to be shared, so prepare your "Pin It" button, cause I know you're going to be using it...
"Button Balls" by Amy Thompson
Glitzy Holiday Lights by Amy Snell
Quilled Snowflake by Angie Stokes
Painted Cinnamon and Applesauce by Carley Mayo
Plastic Canvas Frames by Carrie Ovard
Sweet Little Snowmen by Chris Little
Snow Assortment by Christie Leber
Denim Owl by Melanie Couch
Pinecone Owls by Brandie Adams
Snowman Discs by Shontell Olson
Mini Blockhead by Wendy Gardiner
Legend of the Peacock by Kim Jeppsen
Rag Santa by Amy Jones
Quilted Mrs Claus by Shelly Kline
Paper Snowflake by Stacie Doxey
Painted Glass Snowman by Carissa Barrett
Hear Them Ring Pillow by Cindy Boyenga
Santa's Toy Sack by Kallee Twiner
Glittery Ball by Kristie White
Pretty fun, right?
Also a BIG thank you to Erika Douglas, Lori Story, Heidi Wendland, Kara Ramsey,
and Carrie Liljenquist for playing along! (I didn't have a picture to share)

Thank you again to all of you that participated for your time, your talents, and for making someone else smile this past holiday season. My heart just melts every time I think about it.
You ladies are amazing! Thank you for supporting my craziness...don't miss the next one!

Happy Crafting.

Monday, February 20, 2012

President's Day Treats!!!

A short story...
Once upon a time ( a few years ago) I was shopping at my local Albertson's. Went to grab a box of microwave popcorn or two and stumbled upon Jolly Time Mallow Magic.
In my own opinion, it's heaven in a box.
Microwave popcorn all covered in this sweet, gooey, marshmallow wonder. As fast as I had discovered it, it was gone. I couldn't find it anymore!
My household was devistated until a trip to Utah this past summer and alas, there upon the tiny little store's shelf...there it was. I bought every box they had.
My dad thougt I was crazy--until he tried it, then he begged me to leave a few boxes.
We drug it out as long as we wasn't long and the saddness returned.

And then, just a few weeks ago, I was blessed to find this little pin...

WE ARE OBSESSED WITH THIS! Marshmallow popcorn! my favorite!   3 bags popcorn (pop and take out extra kernels)  2 sticks of butter 16 oz bag of marshmallows 1 cup brown sugar  Microwave butter, marshmallows, and brown sugar for 2 1/2 min. Take out and stir. Microwave again for 1 min. Repeat until thin sauce. When done pour over popcorn and mix. YUM!

"WE ARE OBSESSED WITH THIS! Marshmallow popcorn! my favorite! 3 bags popcorn (pop and take out extra kernels) 2 sticks of butter 16 oz bag of marshmallows 1 cup brown sugar Microwave butter, marshmallows, and brown sugar for 2 1/2 min. Take out and stir. Microwave again for 1 min. Repeat until thin sauce. When done pour over popcorn and mix. YUM!"

So close to the perfection I had found! Thank you Pinterest!
We will be enjoying this today as we have no school and no where else to be...oh happy day!

Hope yours is a good one...

Friday, February 10, 2012

Classroom Valentines x 4!!!

Okay, so I was hoping to have these up no later than noon, but it's been that kind of a day!
So early evening  it is, but they're still in time for a weekend project or two.

These are the Valentine's my girls will be sharing with their classes this year...

Nothing amazing, but they are sure excited so I think I did okay.

So here's the dirt on making these things:
My husband scored an amazing deal on packages of silly the FREE kind of deal so I was determined to find a way to not have them at my house. Enter Valentine's Day--oh, I love it even more!

My 2nd grader has a friend with a severe nut allergy in her class so these were perfect. I made up a fun little tag to fit over the top of each bag, I taped it into place on the bag and done!
If you'd like it, you can have it!

Click on it, save it to your computer and then print this baby out-I went with the standard 4x6 and unclicked the fit to frame button so it wouldn't cut off the flowers!

The little airplane I first saw at my sisters house. She whips them out as thank you gifts for her primary substitute teachers. Since then, I've seen them all over pinterest so I new I had a winner!

You need smarties, a stick of gum, two lifesavers, and an elastic.
The elastic goes through the lifesavers and then loops up onto the wings.
Place the smarties between the two lifesavers, but under the elastic and you just became an airplane mechanic!
Here's what I learned, wrap the gum in paper because the elastics pulls it down and don't use the candy lifesavers--go with the mint ones. The candy ones get really sticky and nasty...

my preschooler is taking these:

Perfect for pre-k, right! The pencil is a roll of sprees candy wrapped in yellow paper. A Heshey's kiss made up the point and pink and gray paper made up the eraser end.

For the tags on both the plane and pencil I just used the textbox options in microsoft word.

And last, this is my favorite! It fits my 6 yr olds personality to a T!

Inside each little bag are two gumballs and chocolate lips. The tag reads:
I only "BLOW KISSES" to people I like!
You could substitute Hershey's kisses here to but te lips were to cute to pass up. I found them at my local Dollar Tree.
I'm going to use the same tag but fill a larger container for her teacher.

Here's the tag if you'd like it, same deal as before.
Click, save, print.
I wet wallet sized again unclick the fit to frame button.

I have a few more to finish so I'm off to the papercutter and tape!
Have a great weekend-
Happy Crafting.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

It's Oh "SO TWEET!" at WYLTC plus an extra little something...

Happy middle of the week! Hope it's shaping up to be a good one.
It's my day to shine over at Wood You Like to Craft?
Want to see what I'm sharing...

The theme this month is "LOVE" so I made a set of Love Birds and a tree for them to hang out by.
Jump on over to WYLTC to check out the particulars!

Do you like them? Do you want some of your own?
You're so in luck, cause I'm sharing the patterns.

**I cut my birds and the tree trunk from a pine 2 x 6 and the wings, feet, and tree leaves from 1/4 inch MDF. The detail pieces are all paper covered while the chunky stuff is painted.

**To create the round base for the leaves I traced a 9" dinner plate.

Just click on the image, save to your computer and then print!
Have fun and happy crafting.


Monday, February 6, 2012

Holy Cow! She lives...

Hey friends, long time no speak, huh?
Well my absence is a {long} story for another day but today I have good news!
After a month off to let Krystal move to a new state and sme time to let Candace regain her health
Wood You Like to Craft? is back up and running!

Krystal is hosting this month and gave us the theme of "LOVE". It should be a fun week full of some V-day inspiration.
Jump on over and check it out...