Thursday, February 17, 2011

T.G.I.F.-Thank GOODIES it's Friday #6 and Some Weekend Fun!

Hip-hip Hooray! The weekend is here!
So whatcha gonna do with it?
 Myself, I am determined to enjoy the sun that has finally found it's way back to south Texas and to finish a bunch of 1/2 done projects-it's a long holiday weekend, there is hope for completion!
And then I am so planning to do this...
An essential part of growing up is learning how to Ding Dong Ditch.
Traditionally this is learned and practiced without parent participation...
I say we change that.
I say we teach our children the basics of 
If we don't pass along the
ditching, dashing, diving and ducking skills 
we perfected in our youth, those talents are being wasted.
This kind of heart-pounding excitement NEEDS to be passed down through generations.
I wholeheartedly implore you to take your children Ding Dong Ditching...

A concerned parent.
Totally awesome!
Check out the entire post and get the printable from
Andy over at Poppies at Play
But before you do, let's see all those super fantastic projects you've been working on!
{This is my favorite part of the week.}
T.G.I.F.-Thank GOODIES it's Friday!
 I love to see what your brilliant and creative minds are thinking so let's get to the sharing...
Enter up to 4 links...

 tips, ideas, recipes, projects, contests, giveaways, whatever, just share yourself with us!
 Visit others. Leave comments.
{Unless you offer a tutorial with the product} 
Grab a button from below and help spread the "GOOD" word!
Come back again over the weekend and check out the links.
Visit a few, comment a lot!
We all need a little LOVE.
 Link will be open until 11:59pm Monday night. 
**By linking you give me full permission to feature your links, tutorial, photos and blog giving credit back to you of course!
Craft Goodies

Thanks for stopping by and for joining the party! It's always more fun when you're here...
Have a SUPER weekend-one of presidential proportions!
Happy Crafting...

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Naturally Me Creations said...

What a cute idea leaving some treats at the door, hehe! :D

Andy Porter said...

Thanks for the feature Wendy! Have a great weekend, I wish I could say it was warming up here in Utah today!

Lolly Jane said...

haven't started our st p's day posts yet so here's our random latest post! gonna put ya on our link parties list. thanks for hosting!! (:

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