Monday, February 21, 2011

Strawberries on My Mind...

Monday Munchies...
I am having a serious problem.
One I can't seem to get away from-I have been crazing strawberries like no tomorrow!
{NO, not preggers, I think I'm just ready for summer!!!}
I was enjoying some alone time in the garden center at Lowe's Saturday {yes, I really do just hang out at Lowe's when I'm alone!} and ran across all the new fruit and veggie plants.  
I adopted 30 of the little strawberry beauties and came home a happy gal!
I am clearly not the only one in this predicament!
So many things to try once my babies are full grown...
{just because it's who I am, I go to dessert first}
The Blackberry Vine
 shares the recipe for this delicious looking piece of heaven!
Yeah, I'm thinking this will for sure be my b-day cake this year...
And how about these?
My husband is the only non-strawberry lover in our house but even he wouldn't turn these down.
Why? Because the are cake-pops! Check out the how to's at
 Cute As A Fox
These babies are calling my name! {LOUDLY}
Dark Chocolate cupcakes and Strawberry Meringue Butter cream frosting!
My mouth is watering at the title, you can find these recipes at
Food, Folks, and Fun
And this is my favorite strawberry pie ever!
Strawberries are on sale this week, so yep, this is our FHE treat tonight...
Picture of Strawberry and Cream Pie Recipe
Really, can Paula Dean do wrong? This is so easy and SOOOO yummy.
The recipe can be found HERE.
...and just in case that's not enough, check out this "BERRY SWEET" party at
 Giggles Galore
This is one awesome momma!
{and my kind of party}
So go grab a tub of cool ship and some red-ripe strawberry goodness and have a delicious day!
Happy Munching!

1 comment:

Mariah said...

Thanks for your sweet comments about my Strawberry Shortcake party and for featuring it!

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