Monday, January 24, 2011

Our fight against Cancer

I have to start by saying I am SO glad last week is over! It was a tough one. Driving back home I made the  to my husband that I hadn't felt that emotionally drained and just plain tired in years.  
Thank you to so many of you for your sweet and uplifting words. Your thoughtfulness touched my heart and your prayers were indeed felt.
Our grandma spent a few days in the Huntsman Cancer Institute early last week. While waiting for another series of treatment she and my husband ran across a small 12x12 tile with the following quote:
Cancer is so limited.
It cannot destroy love, it cannot shatter hope.
It cannot corrode faith.
It cannot destroy people, it cannot kill friendship.
It cannot surpress memories, it cannot silence courage.
It cannot invade the soul, it cannot steal eternal life.
It cannot conquer the spirit.
She commented to my husband how true it was and that she wished she had a copy of it to share with all of us dealing with her illness.

We put our heads together and quickly came up with something we could give her. She asked that I share it, so that others might find the strength and comfort that she did in those words.
I hate cancer.
It took my mother, mine and my husband's grandfathers, and now our sweet grandma. It's mean and ugly, and hurts so many. I do hope that any one that has been touched by this disease can find strength in these words and hear the truth in them.
Cancer can take pieces or all of our bodies, but it cannot take who we are!
Thank you again for your thoughts and prayers.
 I've included a link to the document I created for our grandma. Please print and share it with anyone you think it might help.  



Ange said...

Thank you for this print out. We recently lost my father in law to cancer just before Christmas. It is still sometimes a daily struggle without some tears coming. I will pray for you & your family.

Lyndsey said...

That is so beautiful!! Thank you so much for sharing!! Your Grandma sounded like a very giving and special person :)

Pink Princess said...

THANK you. I too lost some loved ones to cancer...cancer sucks!

Amy at Ameroonie Designs said...

What a wonderful gift to give anyone touched by this horrible disease! Thanks for the link Wendy! Hugs, kisses and prayers to you and your family.

Unknown said...

This is one of the most amazing things I have read in a LONG time. It is so beautiful and powerful. I will be featuring this tonight at and sending everyone your way. You NEED to link this up to every party you can. The world needs to have access to this. Thank you so much for sharing!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wendy thank you so much for sharing this amazing quote with us. My hubby and I are hospice volunteers and deal with many who are struggling with cancer. I think this would be a very encouraging gift to give them and their families when we visit.

Thank you!

Bee blessed

Lynnie said...

My husband has cancer. I really love this quote. Thanks for sharing! I'm printing it out for our whole family to see.

Jane said...

Thank you Wendy for this quote and what a wonderful Grandmother to think of others during her battle. My mother also has this disease....I hate it too. :(

Tammy @ Type A said...

thanks for linking with my party at type A. this is a really touching piece, and beautifull.

Anonymous said...

I was looking around at DIY and crafting blogs and just happened to stumble across this. I love it. My friend recently lost her 9 year old niece to a rare form of childhood brain cancer. I cannot wait to frame this up for her and her sister. Thank you and your precious Grandma so much!

Jessica said...

I saw this over at Someday Crafts a while ago and bookmarked it because I wanted to print it and give it to my MIL who lost her mother to cancer 10 years ago. This week we just found out that her dad has cancer now. I will be printing it ASAP. Thank you very much!

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