Friday, November 5, 2010

2x4 Turkey!!!

Taking a little step back into November. There is no way you've  missed all of the 2x4 goodies floating around out there. So many. So cute. So easy. 2x4's really are a wonderful thing and the nice thing is that anybody can go buy a 2x4 and have it cut down thanks to the peeps at Lowe's/Home Depot.

This has been on my brain for a while now. I wanted to make a turkey, but wanted to make it out of readily available items so that all of you could make one too. Here's what I came up with...
My little gobbler is made from a square of 2x4, the handle of a 5 gal. paint stirring stick, paper, and jumbo craft sticks! He took about an hour to put together and looks SO very cute on my mantle with my 2x4 pumpkins!
Are you ready to make your own little guy? Here you go, the FULL tutorial!!!
To make your 2x4 turkey here's what you’ll need:
2x4 block cut to 3.5 "x3.5"
7 Jumbo craft sticks
5 gal paint stick
{I bought mine at Wal-mart for $.28, if you happen to be painting ask for a spare!}
Multi-colored papers for feathers (or paints)
and a scrap piece of both yellow and red cardstock
and the usual project stash of:
Paint and brushes
Hot Glue Gun
Modge Podge
and Embellishments {feather and ribbon}
Finish the Base Pieces:

Cut the handle end of the paint stick so that it now measures 4.5" long. Paint the block and head piece light brown.
**You don't have to paint the backs as the block will be covered with the sticks and the head piece will be glued onto the block**
Once they are dry sand down all the edges. A power sander works great here! If not, use some old fashioned elbow grease and work until the edges are smooth.
Finish the head piece:

Start by tying a ribbon around the neck of your turkey.
Then blush his cheeks. I used a Q-Tip and red ink, paint would also work.
Dip one end of the q-tip into the ink and then rub it on in small circles. Turn the q-tip over to the clean end and go over the circles again to lighten and blend in the ink a bit.
Using your scrap pieces of yellow and red cardstock, cut out a beak, waddle, and small heart. Ink the edges of these with brown ink.
Lay the pieces onto the head and play with the placement until you like it, using the Modge Podge glue them into place.
Snip off the tip of a yellow craft feather. Ruffle it a bit and then hot glue it into place on the back of the head.
Dot the eyes with black paint.
Add a highlight across the beak and dot the cheeks with white paint.
{I use a small detail brush to add the white and then flip it over and use the end of the handle to dot the eyes}
Set the head aside to completely dry.
Finish the Feathers:
Start by cutting all of your 7 craft sticks in half with a pair of scissors. You will only use 13 pieces-but hang on to the extra just in case!
Whether using paper or paint, determine your pattern order.
Paint or paper cover the sticks.
To paper cover, place the stick onto the backside of the paper and trace around it with a pencil. Cut out the shape staying as close to the line as possible. Add a layer of Modge Podge to the stick and adhere the paper to it being sure the stick is covered and there are no bubbles. Add another layer of Modge Podge on top.

When I made the first one I left the 3 bottom sticks whole. I've made a bunch now and promise, it's a whole lot easier if you cut all of the sticks in half...
Once the feathers are dry, swipe them across a brown ink pad to define the edges.
Lay the sticks back out on the table in the order you want them on your turkey. You're going to glue them in a back and forth pattern {one from the right, one from the left...}-this will help you to not mess it up!
Glue the bottom 3 sets straight across the back of the block.
{**Papered side of the stick to the un-painted side of the block**}
Pay attention to your pattern layout so that
you grab the correct one.
Then glue on the very center feather-it's the one pointing straight up!
Start building your arch on the 4th set of feathers. Glue down the feather on the right, and then the feather on the left that sits in the same spot. This will help keep your spacing and make sure you glue them at the same angle. Keep working back and forth one level at a time and keep your scissors close by to trim the sticks as needed to make them fit.
Cut a scrap piece of light brown paper to a 3 1/4 " square.
Glue onto back of block to cover the sticks up.
Add some hot glue to the back side of your head piece and center it on the front of the block.
Your little gobbler is now complete! I hope you had fun with this and you enjoy your turkey. If you have any questions or need help leave me a comment.
Happy Crafting!


Krystal said...

He is so cute! I love 2x4 projects and he is just adorable! I'm going to feature him on my blog next week. (I post features friday mornings) so come by and check it out!

Karen said...

I love it! He is so cute! Can't wait for the tutorial!! Love your blog. I am a follower!

LOTCP said...

Very cute- you've got me following you now :)

Unknown said...

Did I not leave a comment? I wrote that I was smitten with this 2x4 project! It's absolutely amazing. Cutest turkey I've ever seen. I am featuring this at Grab my "featured" button.

Kristen @ said...

Quite cute, indeed! Very creative of you!

Shirley said...

I love this!!!!

Amy Allred said...

I love this little guy and am going to feature him on my site....thanks for sharing your creative genius with us!!

Valerie said...

I put a link to your blog and this cute Turkey at the Blog Frog Seasonal Celebrations Community.

Unknown said...

This is ADORABLE!I would love for you to link this up to Scraptastic Saturday!

Hannah @

Alison @ Oopsey Daisy said...

WOW! Incredibly genius! I can't believe you used jumbo craft sticks for the turkey feathers. And the handle for the turkey head is just brilliant!

Ranae Broadhead said...

love love love this!! just waiting for the tutorial :)

Maggie Lamarre said...

ok now I'm gonna have to kidnap my dh paint stirrers.
We look forward to seeing you every week.

Chelsea said...

Thanks so much for linking up to my 2x4 Party! i love this little guy!

Anonymous said...

This is so cuet, I love it. I would love a tutorial on it, especially how you decorated the jumbo sticks. Are they ribbon or paper? I would LOVE to see the pumpkins. I love anything pumpkins. Please?

kirstikoo said...

I would love for you to link your tutorial post from ucreate on my Thanksgiving Link-up!!

Ranae Broadhead said...

thanks so much for the tutorial.. loved it! you can check it out here

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