Sunday, October 3, 2010

Grand Opening Giveaway!!! {CLOSED}

   In celebration of opening up my own Etsy Store and as a way to introduce my new monthly line of wooden letter sets, I'm giving one set away!

Just a little bit of spook and spice to make Halloween nice! This set is ready to go, it only needs a home to haunt. Want it to be yours? Here's all you need to do:
         1.  Become a follower of this blog 
     2. Leave a comment sharing why you LOVE fall with a way to contact you

That's it! The winner will be announced on Monday, October 11. "Ghoul"-ed Luck to you all!
If you just can't wait until then, head on over to my store to find out how to purchase a kit of your own. 

...and introducing...

Word...of the Month Kits
   The "Word...of the Month" kits will be wooden letter sets themed according to each month of the year. Each month will have two words to choose from. The next month's designs {November for example} will become available on the 15th of the previous month {October} . All pieces will be cut from 3/4" MDF and fonts and sizing will vary. They will be available as finished or unfinished kits.

2. Spooky

*check them out here!


Diana said...
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Diana said...

I was looking through some of my fave crafty blogs and I was delighted to find yours through Under my Umbrella! I love the little ghost and mummy decorations!! I have a lot of home decor but am greatly lacking in the Halloween area. Spooky would be dearly loved in my home!! My email is

I am having trouble becoming a follower :( It said my request was too large! I will try again later because I am super excited to follow your word on the month kits!!

Valerie said...

Cute! I love this! You have some adorable projects.

I love everything about fall...the food, the colors, the smells!

alisa said...

I am having trouble becoming a follower too....but did post this info and giveaway on my facebook page!
I love everything about fall. The smells, the colors, the traditions, and especially the memories! I love this giveaway and keeping my fingers crossed that I am picked!~ Thanks for sharing your talents!

Sandy said...

I just became a follower! I love fall because I am rather obsessed with Halloween decorations, scrapbook paper, fabric...its rather scary (no pun intended). It's too hot here right now to FEEL like fall, so I'm celebrating the changing seasons by making Halloween decorations instead! And yours are FABULOUS!!!

As for contacting me if I happen to win (pick me! pick me!) - I just sent you a message on your etsy account about an RS craft day order, so my contact info is there :)

Hannah said...

Why I love the fall: hot cocoa, apple cider, brisk air, color-changing, crunchable leaves, football games!, general conference, Halloween, scary decorations, every costume you could imagine -- including the ghoulish and the adorable, carmel apples, candy and more candy!, pumpkin pie, a whole day dedicated towards gratitude (Thanksgiving!), yummy turkey, an excuse to light yummy-scented candles on a dark evening, and weather perfect for cuddling, and curling up with a good book or movie. Well...just to name a few anyways.

LOVE the letters...WAY too cute. Keep 'em comin'! I hope I win!



Julie said...

Fall's not my favorite so there's nothing I LOVE about it :) The best thing would probably be starting my Christmas shopping.

Charlene said...

I love the brightly colored leaves against a blue, blue sky. I can't wait to get out and play with my camera!

charlsmith at comcast dot net

The Nilsson's said...

so cute I love it. I am now a follower of your blog.

The Nilsson's said...

I love all the colors of the leaves in fall and i love playing in them with my son as well

Rob and Heather said...

I too am a follower. So darling! What I love about the Fall would be 'change', the leaves on the trees, the weather. With this change brings my favorite decorating time of year. I just love it.

Wendy said...

Love the spooky blocks! They are different than the other ones out there! I love fall cause there are sooo many cute decorations!

Wendy said...

I am now a follower!

Who is G? said...

A friend let me in on your fun! I love fall because my husband was born in September and we were married in September...2 great events in my life ;) I also love the sense of family that fall brings as we gather together for holidays and spend more time together.

Jessica Stoddard said...

I love fall because of the falling leaves...but especially because today is my birthday!! Love your new blog!

April Bird said...

I love fall! It gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling in the pit of my stomach just thinking of the crisp air, the cozy sweaters, whip cream melting into mug of hot chocolate. I'm so happy it's here!

Cecy said...

I love the change of colors, but most of all the fun my kids have playing in the leaves, it's so much fun to see them.

Cecy said...


KellyAnn said...

I am a follower.

KellyAnn said...

I love pumpkin. Everything pumpkin. I love the 'feel' of fall and the colors.

Unknown said...

I came across your blog the other day. I haven't stopped thinking about how cute your spooky decorations are! I haven't even gotten my decorations up yet! I have to enter the giveaway and cross my fingers times ten that I'll win. If not, I may just be visiting your etsy shop before too much longer. OH!!! I love fall because of all the wonderful smells.

Jeff and Kandis said...

Love it, and love fall for the trees of course. Although sometimes its a toss up for the cool weather after a hot summer in GA.

Just found your site, you're so talented! Thanks for sharing.

Hodson Family said...

I am a follower

Hodson Family said...

I love all the changing colors in the mountains and I love halloween. I can't wait to add your cute blocks to my collection

Amy said...

I love the smells and the feel in the air!

Candace said...

I love this Giveaway and I LOVE fall!! Everything about it in particular, the cool nights where you can sit outside and read a nice book or go for a walk. I love the smell in the air and all of the pumpkin flavored goodies!! I especially love pulling out my decor which I need more of and I would so love to have the Boo blocks!! Thanks for the giveaway!


Liz Packard said...

I love Fall because mine and my husband's birthdays are in the fall! September and October. It's a fun time for us to celebrate! Plus I love the leaves changing colors and cool air. It's just a great time of year. I would love to have the SPOOKY letters! They are super cute!!! :) Thanks! Liz

Jen P said...

What cute projects! I would love to win. Fall is my favorte time of year due to birthday's and my anniversary. Plus I love the colors changing and the weather cooling down mixed with all the terrific fruits that become available this time of year.

Thanks for the chance to win and for sharing your terrific talents!


PitaMita said...

I LOve this. Fall is my favorite season. I Love the crisp cool mornings and the leaves changing colors. I love the time I get to spend with family at the holidays.
themita at

Sheli Ford said...

I love,LOVE,love this creation!!! So super cute!! XoXo......What I love about fall is that it is the start of the season for family traditions, fun and memories! The Holiday season is always super exciting around here! Fall gives me the chance to decorate my house with all the treasured things I have made and saved over the years. It is just my most favorite time of year!!
~Sheli Ford

Sharon Gallup said...

I love fall because of all the yummy goddies I get to make like pumpkin bread, cinnamon rolls and so much more. FYI, Konner was telling me the other day how he missed Wendy. Hope everything is going well for you in Texas. I am excited I can follow all of your craft goodness.

Tiffin said...

What's not to love about Fall!! The colors, the smells, and the start of all the holidays!!

Tiffin said...

I am now a follower! I'm excited to see all of your crafty ideas!

Carrie D. said...

I'm a follower. I love everything about fall. It's my favorite season. My favorite thing about fall is seeing the leaves change.


Debbie Burns said...

New follower here... looking forward to all your awesome craftiness!

I LOVE fall. My favorite season of the year. I think that mostly has to do with how you can smell the change in the air and in the kitchen. You can see it through the morphing of leaves into vibrant displays of fire and color. You can feel it all the way to your toes! It's a time for light jackets, cute sweaters and a MASS of fabulous decorations. Who wouldn't love the fall, hehe?

kristenhcubed said...

Pumpkin Dessert Night. Need I say more!?!

I'm going to wrinkle my comment really well so it gets picked.

Wrinkle, wrinkle, WRINKLE!

You know where to find me! <3

Nancy said...

I love getting ready for Christmas. . . and remembering back when I was a kid - - when Fall meant the Aspen leaves changing colors, crisp mornings, the first snow, hot cocoa. Now, living in Gilbert, AZ, I LOVE when we can finally say goodbye to the 100 degree weather (hopefully - - just happened this week!), and then hear my kids comment how cold it is. (at 85 degrees!)

Nancy said...

p.s. my email is

Kallee Anne said...

I love fall! The smells, the leaves the crisp, cool weather. I would love to win this giveaway to add to my collection!

me said...
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me said...
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me said...

I am a follower.

me said...

I love everything about fall! It is my favorite time of the year. I love the colors, the crisp air, the cool nights, the balloons in the sky and the anticipation of things to come.

...Sheri said...

I love the crisp air and the changing leaves.
othellostevens at msn dot com

...Sheri said...

I follow now!

Wendi said...

I just found your blog- and what a perfet time to find it! I LOVE the "feel" of fall! How the wind becomes crisp and you hear leaves scratch across roads and start smelling fire places and pumpkin and spice. Mmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Wow are you talented!! I love fall because of the cool temperatures, the fun fall decorations and the yummy food...!! mmmmm

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